Polizei ermittelt gegen Justin Bieber16.05.2014 18:24:52
Justin Bieber:
1. Spits off balcony onto fans below.
2. Goes to a restaurant, pisses in a mop bucket.
3. He Said That Rape Happens for a Reason
4. After being told to drive more carefully, he spits on his neighbour’s face and threatens to kill him.
5. He forced a private plane to wait 8 hours for his pet monkey.
6. “I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby,”
7. Starts a show 2 hours late, says he was only 25 minutes late.
8. He is banned for life from Vegas Indoor Skydiving Gym.
9. While visiting The Great Wall Of China, he made his bodyguards carry him.
10. He wears sunglasses indoors, at night, during award speeches, for awards which were made up specifically so he could win them.
11. He Calls The Beatles the Crap Band.
12. He Compared Himself to Kurt Cobain.
13. He Lip Syncs On Stage
14. When he met the Prime Minister of America, he wore overalls and a cap.
15. He said that Anne Frank would have been a belieber.
16. He Said That Poland Is Russia
17. Justin lacked social awareness and was apparently being a bit sweary on a flight.
A mother-of-two reportedly was forced to ask him to "stop yelling curse words and using that kind of language on a plane."